Friday, April 1, 2011

Happy Ending!

Here is an update on RJ, a horse that was adopted from us a few months ago...

Hey Brittany,

I just wanted to give you an update on RJ.  He is doing really well.  He has settled in wonderfully, very relaxed, and laid back.  He is definitely one of the barn favorites.  I have been riding him, and he is doing great.  he is stiff sometimes but I actually lunge him before I ride, and it loosens him up beautifully.  He seems much happier when he is warmed up.  He is so much fun to ride.  He has been doing his lead changes, and he loves to jump. 
He has been running around out in the field, and lots of times he is head of the herd when they stampede to the other side of the pasture.  When I turn him out, if the horses are on the far side of the field he always goes cantering out to meet them, and is greeted with whinnies and knickers.

Rj is really happy because he recently found a girlfriend, Piper.  She was actually rescued from a broker out of new holland a few weeks ago.  She was very emaciated, fresh and old wounds all over (Just horrible, but I am sure you have seen it).  RJ will keep the other horses away from her, its cute. She stays close to him and follows him.  At night they stare at eat other between the boards in their stalls.

Anyway I figured i would send you an updated.  The picture attached is RJ with his sister, Pumpkin.  Dont need to worry, RJ is loved, taken care of and completely spoiled.


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