Sunday, July 14, 2013

Summer Update!!

Hey everyone!  Sorry I have not updated in SO long!  June was a very hectic month for us and July is turning out to be the same way!!  Many horses have found their new homes over the past few weeks which makes us very happy!  Congrats to all our new adopters, we are so happy to have you all as part of our Project Sage adoption family.  It's always emotional watching one of my babies head out to start their new life.  I always give them a final pat and tell them "good luck, be good".  They become my "kids" during their stay at the rescue and when they leave it's always a bittersweet day.  The past few months I've seen tons of my kids find homes and it's humbling to see how many horses we've been able to rescue and place during 2013. 

Our May fundraiser was a HUGE success and I want to thank everyone who came out and donated to our cause.  I'm already excited for next year.  We had about 140 guests, some old faces but tons of new people turned out to support Project Sage.  Our support keeps growing which is a great thing for the horses!

Please check out our horses available page.  We have tons of horses and donkeys that need homes.  When they find a new home it opens a spot for a horse that is in desperate need of rescue. 

Thank you to everyone for your continued support, I'm excited to say that I'm just 2 horses (or donkeys!) away from rescuing 200 horses.  I'm so excited for this milestone in my rescue career.  I will be sure to blog about my 200th horse, I'm racking my brain for the perfect name...any ideas???

Will blog again soon, I promise!!!

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